About Me

This blog is where I (Mallory) will post all about the adventures we take to complete The Lunchbox List

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Buried Life

The television show that inspired our list of 100 things to do before graduation, premiers tonight on MTV at 10/9 central. Most of us have our DVRs set to record the show because we just happen to busy during the premier! oh well, we will all catch it later!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

#23 Swim with dolphins or manatees

We are excited to announce that we have only 99 more things to do on the list!!! Bryce had the opprotunity through Girl Scouts to swim with manatees in Florida today. We all want to do this activity, but she beat us to the punch. Maybe later on in the year the rest of the group will get to go to Florida  and have this experience. Bryce took many pictures or so she said. ;) When she gets home from Florida, pictures will be posted to the blog. Also, when she gets home we can start on working one other thing off the list which is #99 create a scrapbook of our adventures. The fun has now begun for all of us. All that's left for us to do is come to a consensus for our name for our group as a whole, we do have several in mind, we just have to pick one! :)

Bryce swimming with the manatees

This is a picture of the sign where Bryce went swimming

This is a picture of most of the girls who went on the trip with Bryce

According to Bryce, the manatees love belly rubs and to be tickled!

Here's another picture of Bryce swimming with the sea cows!

And another picture of Bryce with the sea cows. mooooo!

Burrrr. Bryce went swimming at the beginning of January. She said it was freezing!!!

Bryce being a goof! :)
We need some fundraising ideas for our group to complete the "bigger" items on our list. I guess we didn't really anticipate coming up with things such as riding the country's tallest rollercoaster or the swimming with dolphins or going to major concerts/sporting events or all the traveling we would have to do. So does anyone have any ideas for us?!

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Lunchbox List in its entirety

The Lunchbox List

Mallory Cadenhead, Kelsey Thomasson, Claire Bolen, Katie Kimbrell, Taylor Giles, and Bryce Maier

16 months. 6 girls. 100 things to do before graduation.

1. Get on the six o clock news

2. Skydive

3. Start a random protest

4. Work the drive through at McDonald’s

5. Chase down the ice cream truck

6. Go to an epic concert

7. Road trip it to the beach for a day

8. Start a dance in a public place

9. Donate money to charity

10. Attend a major sporting event

11. Get a YouTube video to blow up on the internet

12. Find all the geocaches in Brandon area

13. Pay for a strangers groceries

14. Learn to ball room dance

15. Learn to play an instrument

16. Smash a guitar after perform on a street corner in Jackson with it

17. Ride in a cop car

18. Ride the highest roller coaster in the country-Kingda Ka in New Jersey

19. Drive a convertible with the top down and the music blaring

20. Learn to make a gourmet meal

21. White water rafting

22. A day of silence

23. Swim with dolphins or manatees

24. Make the front page of the newspaper

25. Meet someone famous

26. Host a lemonade stand

27. Create a waterslide and tube down it

28. Camp outside

29. Road trip to most small cities in Mississippi

30. Host a radio show

31. Roll an entire street of houses

32. Trick or treat in April

33. Go to a poetry club a recite poetry (snap, snap)

34. Accomplish 333 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart

35. Help someone with house work

36. Play at pump it up

37. Kayak the reservoir

38. Sonic happy hour for one week straight

39. Look through every magazine in Borders/Barnes and Nobles

40. Stay out all night

41. Get a picture with a celebrity

42. Walk/run/bike a half or full marathon

43. Skip school

44. Climb a tree

45. See something that takes your breath away

46. Share God’s word with someone you don’t know

47. Watch an extremely stupid movie

48. Laugh until you cry

49. Prank three cars, three nights in a row

50. Rap the McDonald’s rap in a public place with lots of people or in McDonalds

51. Drive down the highway blowing bubbles out the window

52. Temporary hair highlights (pink, green, blue, etc.)

53. Eat a really, really, really, really big burger

54. Start a huge wave

55. Get a tattoo (henna)

56. Scream at the top of your lungs from the top of the Empire State Building

57. Donate blood

58. Plant a tree

59. Get a professional massage

60. Bike ride the entire Northshore biking/walking/running trail

61. Have a homerun derby at the 471 fields

62. Go to Memphis in May

63. Spend an entire day at the park

64. Have a picnic at the park

65. Dance in the rain or snow if we happen to get some this year

66. Play “The Floor is Lava”

67. Do something for homeless

68. Huge garage sale

69. Have a Wii Sports tournament

70. Pull an all nighter at home

71. Have a Disney classic marathon

72. Have a Disney character costume party

73. See a Broadway show (meow)

74. See how many pictures we can get of ourselves in the yearbook

75. All day shopping day

76. Play Frisbee golf

77. See how far Lakeland/25 goes

78. Get REALLY tan

79. Road trip to New Orleans

80. Sing karaoke

81. Finish the impossible quiz

82. Chocolate slide (for Claire)

83. Sock sliding contest

84. TOMS shoe party

85. Prom senior year together

86. Eat a new, random food

87. Face a fear

88. Ride every ride at the fair

89. Go to the rodeo

90. Stand on an elevator backwards and see who follows

91. Christmas carols in July

92. Fly a kite

93. Random Act of Kindness day

94. Go visit a senior citizen home

95. Take 100 pictures of all 6 of us- all different, all of us have to be in each picture

96. Gaze at the stars

97. Paint pottery at Fat Cat or Harry the Potter

98. Volunteer at ARF shelter on Hollybush Rd

99. Scrapbook our adventure

100. Graduate High School

100 Things

Our list of 100 things is finally complete and we can start working on crossing all of them off!!! Woo hoo!!! We still need to come up with a name for the group itself, but we actually have several in mind! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The List in the Making

We got the idea from the new MTV reality show The Buried Life.  It sounded like an interseting and a fun way to build memories leading up to and all of senior year of highschool. The people taking part in this are Mallory Cadenhead, Katie Kimbrell, Claire Bolen, Kelsey Thomasson, Taylor Giles, and last but certainly not least, Bryce Maier. So the past few days, we have been trying to come up with all 100 things for our list. So far over the course of 3 days we have come up with 81 things to do before graduation! Also in the past 3 days we have come up with a title for our list, but not a title for group. The list is still in the works, but we want to finish it ASAP so we can start. Everyone in our group is ecstatic to start working on crossing things off of the list. The sooner we start, the sooner the real fun begins. In making this list, our hopes are to make great memories, make new friends, and build our friendship stronger. This list will be the thing we remember most about our last year and half of high school. The whole goal of the lunchbox list is to accomplish 99 things before graduation and the 100th thing being GRADUATE FROM HIGH SCHOOL, which we plan to cross off the list after all of us have walked across the stage!